Sub-miniature GNSS tracker device

Read how we developed an undetectable, miniature, ultra-low-power, multi-sensor cellular-connected GNSS tag to discreetly track high-value items

The Brief

Our client wanted an undetectable, ultra-low-power location device to be used to discreetly track high-value items in several different usage scenarios. As well as the tracking function, the device needed to have the ability to be integrated with other sensors and functions.

The real challenge was to accommodate the full range of scenarios: months of lying dormant followed by a period of intense activity, then an extended period of location reporting at regular intervals.

Additionally, the device needed to be re-configurable remotely in the field, without compromising the strict power usage requirements.

The Solution

We began by creating a usage model to analyse the primary power-consuming functions. Using different behavioural models, we determined how the devices could be optimised for minimum power consumption across the board. Further investigations helped us match optimal technologies and devices to the product functions.

Meeting the extremely low power usage expectations could not simply be achieved by component selection alone. Therefore, we took an integrated approach that involved matching a suite of key components and accessing their low-power modes using lower-level embedded software. This allowed them to work together in a power-efficient manner.

Additionally, application layer embedded code was used to intelligently configure various high-level usage profiles.

Our multi-layer cross-system approach was necessary to achieve the exacting power requirements of the product. We also developed a clever live remote configuration scheme that enables the system administrator to manage and re-purpose devices in the field for further power optimization and functional re-profiling. This can be done without significantly impacting the battery charge life.

How can we help you?

Call us on +44 1223 23 62 62, or fill in the contact form.

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